Sunday, October 09, 2005

Our gov't with a plan?

Yeah, I'm not so sure our government has a plan for much of anything other than reducing taxes for the wealthy and telling people how to run their lives because we've forgotten how to separate church and state. I'm not so sure we are really prepared to take ANYTHING if it doesn't include a grenade launcher; much less alien invaders, or that Bush can even spell alien invaders for that matter. I would like to think that science fiction writers are intelligent individuals who are either: a.) creative enough to invent their own ideas, b.) liberal politicos who enjoy spunky satire or c.) branching off of topics that interest them because they contain enough of the scientific information themselves to make the story believeable. If they got that from the government then where is this government hiding? They need to make an appearance before the world explodes or is ravaged by another hurricane. That's my thought...but I could be wrong.

"Don't Call it Science Fiction"

CBS has developed a new science fiction show called "Threshold." Three of the most renowned sci-fi writers have put their head together to develop a show that is more "science fact." The show deals with certain facets of science fiction, but things that involve more ordinary people and situations. The network is trying appeal the recent shift from reality TV towards shows that deal more with escapism from real life. The article mentions that sci-fi writers supposedly get many of their ideas from the government because the government has a plan for everything that could ever possibly occur. I was curious as to how valid the speculation is. Thoughts anyone?

time travel cont'd

Here is another article on time travel, and all of this talk about time travel has got me thinking. I don't think it is impossible to travel back to the past, just not likely, but according to my physics classes an object traveling at very high velocity will age more slowly than an object at rest. So if you were to travel to outer space in your spaceship that travels at the speed of light and then return at a later date, you would have aged slower than your fellow friends who remained earth. So is time travel possible?, I for one am just not sure!? And what about "wormholes" that connect parallel universes, can they possibly exist???