Friday, September 16, 2005

SciFi article

While this article is a little bit older and not very long, it talks about Bush wanting to make a permanent station on the moon for launching other expeditions and what not. The concept of building structures on other planets is a persistant theme in SciFi and an interesting one considering they are now really thinking about doing it. It calls to mind that whole theory of ruining our current planet and searching for a new one. Anyway, I thought it would make an interesting topic to talk about considering we are really starting to do what some have feared "aliens" would come and try to do to us. It seems fantasy is now becoming reality, and perhaps that we are now the aliens!!!
To get to this article click the title of this blog...sorry it didn't show up as a written link!!

Question for Mr. Chiang

In your short story, "Understand," the characters gained incredible powers that could be used for good or evil. You seem to explore one of the major reoccurring questions in science fiction: if given superhuman strengths, would we use them for good or evil? Was that the main topic you wanted to explore in that story? If so, do you think that humans would use powers like that more for good or evil? Also, do you think that good usually overcomes evil as it did in your story?