Monday, October 03, 2005

Monkeys, time travel, etc.

Amanda: The reference at the end of my last post was merely a joke to Gorilla City in the DC Comics Universe (the link was to an entry on Gorilla City on a very thorough, albeit strangely theoretical Flash Encyclopedia I had found).

I did find it interesting that you don't like the idea that humans could have evolved from primates -- specifically monkeys (though they are a bit different than gorillas). I think perspective is everything if you examine that opinion through a very broad evolutionary mindset: will whatever humans become in the future find it hard to believe they came from us? Given how far (and how little) we've come in intellectual development, are most humans ashamed of what they came from 100 years ago? 200 years ago?

Delicious food for thought.

John: It's a good question why we haven't been visited by anyone from the future yet if time travel is possible, though they may merely be trying to ensure that they don't alter the timestream.

(Thank you Robert Zemeckis.)

Of course, Mr. Chiang also pointed to how many don't believe traveling to the past is possible. That would mean, as depressing as it is on a very deep level, that the past really is gone forever.

As for getting a CW story on a time traveller, do you know how hard it would be to background someone who doesn't even have a birth certificate or a Social Security number yet?

It's a little difficult, especially with our resources.


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