Monday, October 03, 2005

Strange New Worlds: Fall 2005

People have always talked about travelling at the speed of light. That would be really cool, but still not worth the effort. If we could travel the speed of light, it would still take us several decades to travel to the nearest star. Then on top of that, if we could build a rocket capable going the speed of light, the human body could not withstand the stress. It is hard enough for us to withstand going several times the speed of sound. Travelling at the speed of light would only be good for deep space probes, and that is if our equipment could even make it.

I would rather propose more research when it comes to travelling via worm holes, time, or other dimensions. While it may be possbile for us to one day build a rocket that travels the speed of sound, we will never be able to travel on it. Our bodies may be able to travel through worm holes or other ways, however. Why don't we try looking into that.

I would be wrong if I did not mention that I am not an expert on astrophysics or math. Most of my knowledge on this subject comes from movies like Event Horizon. It's a good one, you should check it out.


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